Payment Instructions
Important Notes
- You can only use a card in your own name.
- A mobile phone number (landline phone not accepted) and email address are required when making reservations and payments.
- You cannot change to cash payment after card payment is completed.
- You cannot use the service if you do not receive approval from your credit card company.
Usage Instructions
※Please note the following prior to proceed to credit card payment.
Merchant Contact Information: トリプルミックス 080-2205-0775
Merchant Contact Information: トリプルミックス 080-2205-0775
- The merchant you are making payment to is 【トリプルミックス】.
Please confirm with the merchant. - Please contact 【トリプルミックス】 080-2205-0775 for your payment amount in advance.
Please be certain about your payment amount. - VISA・MSC・JCB・AMEX credit card brands are accepted.
Please ensure card expiry date is valid. - Please enter your contact number and email when making payment.
Informing merchant your contact info for easy communication.